Carl Topping’s Digital Media Market A Review
Do you need a profitable products To sell?
Well the answer is yes if you want to make any money
So what are the choices? Well you could produce your own, but it can easily take weeks or months to complete, my first took me nearly 5 months. Or how about just buying a product to rebrand as your own, look at the advantages, hardly any work involved, you can sell it on eBay, JV Zoo or click bank or from your own websites.
How does that sound to you? Well here is the answer to your needs.
Digital Media Market
Just check out the video below for a tour of the site.
I have grabbed you an awesome bonus, this is by far the most valuable bonus that I have offered and its available for buyer via my link immediately after you have cleared checkout of Digital Media Market. You can grab a gift with $197.
Grab your membership and start to build your own profitable business today
To your Success
Why eBay Is Not Dead!
Recently I have had several discussions with other eBay traders and none of the comments were terribly complimentary either on my part or on the part of the other traders. The biggest complaints were that they are not making much money in their traditional markets and eBay’s constant policy changes.
You see they (and myself) started trading on eBay when eBay was an auction site that also sold things, as opposed to its current incarnation which is a shopping site that allows auctions. That is the crux of the problem, most people have failed to take into account this fundamental shift in eBay’s business model.
eBay decided several years ago to charm the high street stores and big sellers to their platform, essentially they wanted to be the new Amazon and to be bigger and better. The flaw in the plan is that the two business models are very different.
eBay introduced a raft of changes that effectively finished off a lot of eBayer’s by ensuring that their products were all but invisible in the search results. It’s incomprehensible best match policy killed off a range of good selling products of my own and they also banned some of my products that were being sold by other sellers and remain so to this day. I cannot relist them because I risk being banned.
They also banned my account for 3 weeks a few years ago because I was selling a product widely available not only on eBay, but in street markets and well known high street stores it is still on sale at all 3 outlets even today. They did explain to me why I could not sell it, but the document they sent me was in Korean and my Korean is rather rusty. I just wish that I had paid more attention at school!
Now, I still make a great income from eBay but due to eBays constant fiddling I have had to shift my markets several times. Five years ago I published Plugin Auction Profits (PIAP) my complete guide to profiting from eBay.
My intention was to update this on a regular basis to reflect the changes eBay would introduce for sellers (but a revision every 15 minutes proved to be a bit much!), revision of PIAP always seemed to be the next task, one that I never got around to.
One of the most often asked questions is how to find products for resale at a profit on eBay. Well on Friday 6th March I found 6 products in less than 15 minutes that are being sold by local wholesalers and doing a large volume of sales on eBay. I even shot a video of me doing it.
I have spent the past 6 months trialing new niches and refining my old eBay niches with some success and now seemed the appropriate time to completely update and revise PIAP.
So I have done this with a complete revision of the written materials, shot over 20 new videos showing the complete setup process, sourcing products and listing them for sale. I have nearly finished the product creation phase then the website will be rebuilt as a membership site.
PIAP is dead! I have removed it from the Clickbank market place. Plug In Auction Profits 2 is on its way!
Daniel Craig’s Ultimate Traffic Guide A Review
My Review of Daniel Craig’s Ultimate Traffic Guide:
Daniel has put together some brilliant strategies for increasing traffics to your own websites or products. If you are selling books, digital products, physical products or just want to drive more traffic to your blog or website then you need this.
In some superb over the shoulder training Daniel shows you exactly how to massively increase traffic to any offer or product that you have for sale. He doesn’t just show you the well known methods he shows you in great detail how you can use Google Plus, Linked In and Tumblr.
Don’t accept my word for it check it out for yourself! Click Below.
Daniel Craig’s Ultimate Traffic Guide
Jump Start Your Business Today, Here’s How With This Freebie.
I suppose the one question that I am asked more often than any other is. “What is the quickest way to make money on line?”
There really is no one answer to this question, you see nearly everyone wants a quick fix. They want to make money as fast as possible preferably with hardly any work involved. Now very occasionally this may work as a one off but as a strategy for a steady income this strategy is doomed to failure.
And the reason that it fails is that the focus is on one quick fix after another, and they neglect the one thing that will give then a much greater chance of succeeding in their goal. They chase one shiny object after another and end up spending more money than they actually make.
The missing element in all of this, is that in chasing the cash they NEVER build a business so never make money on a consistent basis.
Now I am a big fan of small home businesses, the ones that you can run out of a cardboard box. So I am going to give you the low down on one business that I still run today and that is selling Private Label Rights (PLR) and Resale Rights (RR) Information Products.
Admittedly it has not made me a millionaire (at least not yet!) but it has paid for a vacation every year AND allowed me to change my cars on a regular basis. So not too shabby then?
This is a big market and I want to help you to start your own PLR and Resale Rights business with a little gift from me. I have put together a package that explains exactly how I trade in PLR and Resale Rights products myself. It’s completely free and the best part of it is that you can start this business for pennies or even completely free.
Grab Your Copy By Clicking The Graphic
Or click HERE to gain access to this FREEBIE today.
I hope you find the content interesting, informative and highly profitable.

Its Good To Share!
Online Marketer’s Academy: The Ultimate Membership Site?
No Fluff Content, Just Tools, Resources, Training and New Products Every Month, Now
That’s Rare!!!
Are you struggling to start making money online, do not know where to start or need to improve your online business?
Well, my friend Carl Topping has created a monthly membership site called Online Marketer’s Academy where he provides all the training, tools and resources for absolutely anyone to start having their own online success!
Now you may be thinking, oh no here we go again another trashy so called site that says will help you but doesn’t!
Well, for those who don’t know Carl he is an honest, ethical marketer who doesn’t believe in push button solutions and knows that it takes hard work and dedication to make money online. He also knows the importance of having multiple income streams and not putting your eggs all in one basket.
Carl has put a lot of hard work into all his products and relationships that he has built online over the years, and decided to put all he has learn’t along with a tonne of tools and resources to help his members fast track their own success
Carl has made money online in different niches and it started for him in 2004 when he discovered eBay and that there was money to be made. Since those days Carl has progressed onto the world wide web as a whole and has vast knowledge of making money online in various niches using different methods, strategies and techniques.
The beauty of the membership site that Carl has created is that there is a tonne of training delivered by Carl himself along with lots of tools and resources that you can use in your online business.
These tools and resources include a large number of new Resell Rights and Private Label Rights products which are added to the members area each and every month. You can utilize these in different ways either by using them yourself, reselling them or using the Private Label Rights content that is included to create your own products and run your own info publishing business.
Now the training is not just about creating products and all the rest of the things that are linked to internet marketing but includes other methods of making money online. Most of which again Carl has personal experience in doing and created video tutorials for you to learn from and follow.
Included also in the tools are that of hosted software applications that you can use to create your own professional looking graphics that can be used when doing product creation and websites.
Now concerning product creation many of you will know that without traffic to your products, sales will not happen, so Carl has also got that covered in what he calls the Promotion Centre.
I think this is an amazing site to join and remain a member of as new content, tools and resources are added all the time so there is really no need to go anywhere else when its all under one roof.
Well, you are probably thinking what is the cost of all this great stuff?
If I’m honest with you it is so crazily low cost to be a member that you just have to join today!
You get the first 7 days for only $1 and then if you decide to remain a member which in my eyes is a NO BRAINER then it is currently only $19.95 a month, thats right I have never seen anything else like it and it’s at an amazing deal!
But I am going to sweeten the deal!! I am offering an amazing bonus package worth $1688 Yes Really Just click the GET Bonus Button and see the full package…
I hope you have enjoyed my review, there is so much being added all the time that I could not cover all.
So go ahead and click on the link and put your business into overdrive.
Its Good To Share!
How To Become An Author
It used to be so hard to become a published author, write the book, send it to a lot of different publishers wait for the rejections to come in and repeat the process for as long as it takes to get fed up.
There has always been the option to self publish, in the past this has been an expensive option, companies such as Lulu grew up to offer POD (print on demand) services, Lulu was the market leader until Amazon acquired its own POD, Create Space. These companies allow anyone to publish their work for a minimal cost, so the barriers to publishing in print have been eroded. But the real seismic shift has been in E-Publishing the range of E-Reading devices is huge and the demand for content voracious.
Amazon really has created a revolution in publishing with it’s Kindle platform, recent figures from Amazon tell the tale. For every 100 physical books sold on Amazon there are 105 Kindle books sold. It is estimated that Amazon has sold in excess of 10 Million Kindles. Now that creates an opportunity, because Amazon needs content and lots of it. This is how we will start to make our money.
Amazon has levelled the playing field for small publishers (that’s you and me) by allowing anyone to publish on Kindle and Create Space without it costing a penny. That removes all the barriers to self publishing that has stopped so many people from succeeding.
The traditional route of approaching publishers suffering rejection often for years on end is over. This has allowed some people to make their entire income publishing on Kindle. Read about the very rich Indie Writer.
But however you cut it Amazon is only about 50% of the whole eBook market as there are considerable sales made on iTunes, Google Play, Kobo, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble as well as on smaller eBook sites.
The above examples are just the big name players there are plenty of specialized book publishers that can distribute an authors work in the same manner as the big companies making their catalog for sale across many different eBook platforms. Take for example Erotica, since “50 Shades of Grey: erotica is big business a whole industry has built up to supply this in demand content and its writers are making a small killing just supplying the market.
An example of a smaller company doing just this is Yellow Silk Dreams, run by writer Jacqueline George. Not only are they distributing there catalog of publications to all the major players in the eBook market place they are also looking for authors to join their growing business. Is This your big opportunity?
So if you are an aspiring writer here is an opportunity to get your work published with a company with a growing reputation for delivering quality eBooks. Just drop an email to the webmaster sorry mistress… Sorry mistress! at Yellow Silk Dreams.
P.s. Its good to share!
What’s Your Image Like Part 3
Well the answer is important, really important, that is why when you are launching a new product is just as important to pay attention to having the highest quality of sales pages as well as making sure that the product itself is the best you can produce.
The sale page or Optin Page are the first thing that any customer will see, remember the expression about making a first impression? This is first opportunity to make that impression. It amazes me that so many product developers who I no doubt are producing quality products skimp on the graphics.
If you have the talent with Photoshop then the choice is easy, if you do not then this could be make or break time. You could buy some Fiverr gigs and get the sales page graphics done that way, although I do use Fiverr I would never have my sale page graphic made this way. Simply get a top professional on the job! don’t spoil the ship for a Halfpenny of tar.
Do you really want this happening to your product after all your hard work?
So when I needed some sales page graphics for my soon to be released E-Publishing Roadmap I went to Steve at GFX-1. Here is a first look at them, I haven’t even had time to add them to the sales page yet!
Rather good don’t you think? Need some yourself? Then check out GFX-1 by clicking the banner below.
I am building E-Publishing Roadmap as a membership site using Optimise Press 2, and I am using John Racine’s Membership Manifesto as my guide, you see I have a bit of a love hate relationship with OP 2… So head down Robert and just do it!
More updates as I build the site, but you can get a fair idea of what’s included by looking at the graphics. This is a complete quick start E-Publishing solution for Kindle publishing.
So it only remains to ask what will your sales page graphics look like?
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What’s Your Image Like Part 2
What’s Your Image Like Part 1
p.s. It’s good to share!
Illustrated Books For Kindle Using Comic Life 3
Illustrated books are really big on Kindle, they range from full blown graphics novels such as Watchmen.
Featuring some seriously talented artists and writers (i.e. not me) to simple illustrated books such as children’s ABC books (i.e. me).
Although these books look amazing when viewed on such devices as the Kindle Fire HD and other similar reading devices they do present quite a different challenge to the author than do ordinary non illustrated books.
MS Word and similar word processing programs where never really intended for producing books with lots of illustrations or with complex layouts. Some alternatives do exist such as Adobe InDesign which is commonly used to layout professional quality magazines.
InDesign is expensive and has a steep learning curve, we may not need all of the functionality of the program rather like using a sledge hammer to crack a walnut and I cannot therefore justify cost of buying it.
So what about a cheap, easy to use alternative that will help you produce first class illustrated books with no fuss even for those of use who can’t draw for toffee.
Enter Comic Life 3!
Comic life is available for Windows 7 & 8, OS X and IOS, it costs only $30 but you can try if free for 30 days. Comic life is easy to learn, has lots of pre built templates, panel layouts and output options producing quality comics OR illustrated books.
On Thursday I published my first fully illustrated book for the Kindle Fire HD using Comic life. Here are some example pages from the book. The finished project was exported as a set of .jpg files and imported into Kindle Comic Creator to compile the file for uploading to Kindle. All the images I used were public domain (see What’s Your image like 2). Total production cost of the book $0.
Amazon US Amazon UK
I used my new iMac to produce the book but a PC or iPad works just as well. Comic life is true alternative to high end costly illustration programs at a fraction of the price. As you can see I even did the cover in Comic Life 3, that’s saved a Fiverr!
Want to know more? I am shooting a series of videos showing exactly how I did this, look out for it.
p.s. It’s good to share!