There are also other sites such as Icon Archive which have images for commercial and non commercial usage, some just require a link back or credit to the graphic artist.
To Have And To Have Not! When Free Is Not the Best Option
What do we understand by free? Well we can look up any number of dictionary definitions but the common understanding is that it is something that we can obtain for nothing.
The Internet is full of free stuff even the biggest companies are at it and that includes Google. You see there are many free tools and services that you can use from Google. Maps, keyword, tools, docs, hangouts the list is extensive and of course Blogger the free blogging platform.
With Blogger you can have a free blog at no cost and blog to your hearts content. BUT what is often forgotten is that you don’t own the blog, let me repeat you don’t own the blog. Google do and they can take away your plaything at a moments notice.
Surely you don’t think that it can happen to you? That’s what a lot of people thought until this week when they received an e-mail from Google.
Important Update to Adult Content Policy on Blogger
You are receiving this message because you are the admin of a blog hosted on Blogger which is identified to have Adult content.
And it went on to say that any blogs linking to Adult websites or attempting to monetize adult material on Blogger will be deleted on June 30th. Whilst we would all applaud the stand against distasteful material on the web, there are many Blogger sites that are used by authors of Erotica in order to promote their books, how many will fall foul of this change to the Terms of Service and who will make the decision, three good men and true?
We have seen this before with the Amazon slap of a few years ago which wiped out thousands of accounts over night. Or, the changes to eBay policies which had nearly ruined my own eBay business on 3 occasions.
These wide scale changes are rarely done with the discretion that needs to be exercised and there is frequently no redress, no real appeal only a standard response from a corporate employee towing the party line. In other words once it’s gone it’s gone.
There is now wide scale panic with users of Blogger to protect their content which often amounts to years of work. There are choices; you can get a free blog from WordPress is the mostly widely used blogging and content management platform in the world and it’s free!
Woe that word free again……. Once bitten twice shy. Better still have your own WordPress blog where you own the domain and the blog in other words it’s yours, you own it. You will still have to make sure that you comply with the Terms of Service of your hosting provider and there is a cost implication.
You will need a hosting package about 4 dollars a month and a domain name about $11 a year. But you will own the blog. The thing that will put a lot of people off is learning WordPress having spent the time to learn Blogger.
Here is the answer your complete guide to building and installing your own WordPress blog in double quick time.
Don’t put your blog at risk protect your content today here is your escape plan. You can even import your Blogger content into a new WordPress blog here is a video that will show you how to export your Blogger content.
Please share this information you never know what is next.
Why Your Business Needs A Blog
If you have any intension at all of working online then the first essential you WILL need is a blog.
Well the blog is the hub of your online activities a focal point for your customers and readers to catch up with you and your activities, special offers. And most importantly free advice (such as this).
The blog also acts as capture machine for subscribers e-mail addresses so that you can inform them when new content has been added. Did you notice the optin box and the newsletter list when this blog loaded?
There are a number of different blogging platforms which have there own advantages and disadvantages.
Free from Google is Blogger, I have used Blogger for product review sites such as John Thornhill’s One Month Mentor Training. Blogger blogs are very easy to setup and easy to use and can be customised and monetised. They are mostly used for personal blogs and many of the Blogger blogs are exactly that.
The great advantage is that Blogger is free. The big disadvantage is that you do not own the blog so Google could remove it at any point with absolutely no comeback. You will loose at the content you have posted and all the hard work will be to no avail.
The real biggy is WordPress there are literally thousands of themes, plugins apps and widgets that you can use to customise WordPress, so no two sites will be exactly the same. At you can claim a free blog and take advantage the problem is that the blog will always have as part of the URL.
There are some excellent examples of free blogs you can check out on the home page of, again this blog can be pulled at any time and you will have to start again.
The best all round solution to building your own brand or business is to have your own hosting and install your own WordPress blog on it. This has massive advantages over the free solutions.
- You can choose your unique URL to reflect your business or brand, this website uses WordPress and although it is starting to look dated I can change this very easily by updating the theme, adding plugins and widgets to make the visitor experience a good one.
- I own the blog.
- It has my name in the URL not blogspot or WordPress which of the two looks the most professional?
WordPress is very easy to setup and customise, there are lots of guides and tutorials available on the internet. But this can be very confusing if it is the first time you have installed and used WordPress. You could pay some one to do it all for you, or there are many excellent products on how to use WordPress most of which come with a heavy price tag.
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a product that could show you how to do all of this for just a few bucks. Well there is, so here’s the skinny of it I just came across something that you will want to check out quick before the price goes up drastically.
It is WordPress blog building at its finest by a guy Lane Bowers who’s been in the trenches learning what it’s like to build blogs for perfect results every time. More informaion HERE.
Take a look at just one of Lane’s blog video training reviews; Lane takes on more of the role of what you would expect a good friend to be like if you asked him to help you get started on creating your own WordPress blog.
It is as if he asked you to pull up a chair at his desk and he was walking you through what he does daily to continue growing his Blog.
He keeps it very basic and assumes that you have had no prior knowledge before he begins teaching you. If you are new to Internet Marketing then this would be an excellent starting point for you, as his Course continues teaching he includes items such as how to add a Gravatars to your Posts, changing the Header and the Site’s Background, setting up email accounts, etc. etc.
All in all, a very good WordPress Course! Highly recommended Rob…