“Ok Rob what is Freebie Friday?”
“Well it’s very simple, when people search online for ways to grow their online business, or are just looking for great advice on how to get started, the major problem is information overload.”
If you are like me your e-mail inbox gets filled everyday with dubious offers to buy this, that or the next best thing that will allow you to start your business or catapult your business into the stratosphere. A lot of the information being offered is already available free on the internet. The major problem is where do you start looking for quality information that will allow you to make the informed decisions that you need to make.
Well you won’t need to do all these hours of searching online, getting distracted by one thing and then another because I have done it all for you. You see after doing this for some years it has become easy for me to separate the online wheat from the online chaff.
Basically with Freebie Friday I will be giving you access to all the quality information you will need to start and grow your own successful business.
“Ok Rob that sounds great, but what do you class as quality information?”
“Right this is simple, it’s information that I have used, applied and found useful in building my own business, just pure quality information, no fluff no rubbish.”
“So what types of information will be available on Freebie Friday?”
“The very first offering will is a complete video course showing you how you can start to profit from trading on Amazon starting today for only a few dollars and I do mean a few dollars. This is a complete business plan for starting and growing your Amazon business, I could easily charge $67 for this product but to launch Freebie Friday it’s FREE of course, plus some great information products that you can download and start profiting from.”
“Hey that sounds cool, what else will you be offering?”
“I will have available some top products for the some of the very best marketers such as Lee McIntyre, Ray Johnson, Stephen Pierce, John Thornhill and many many others (including me!).”
“Stick around it will be one hell of a ride!”
Put this date in your diary, Freebie Friday launches Friday 26th Feb. look for my e-mail.
Hi Rob
What a fantastic idea!
Knowing you like I do, I know that your readers are in for an absolute treat.
In fact I will be popping by myself to see what I can learn and then profit from. 🙂
Hi Steve thanks for the comments, I have some amazing stuff lined up so it will be well worth checking back every week!
Hi Rob,
I like your approach, to the giveaway, it`s fantastic and the Amazon offer is on the money,i tell you what Rob i have it from a very reliable source that Amazon within the next few years will be the platform to sell from, and my money is on the fact that this is because of the better fee structure Amazon have?
Cheers Rob….Ed.
Hi Ed, I believe Amazon is the way to go I have moved most of my selling over to Amazon, its a much simpler system and unlike eBay there are no changes every 5 minutes. No listing fees or paypal fees no bidding just a % payment when your item sells. Simples!!
Hi Rob
Great idea, like the sound of that!
Count me in.
Best wishes
Thanks Mike keep coming back I have some great stuff lined up for you all.
Hi Rob, fantastic idea and great opportunity for people to learn, myself included. I’ll certainly be poping back for more.
Like your style Rob,
Take care, Barry
Hi Barry I have lots of great content for the next few weeks be sure to check back every week!!
Hi Rob
What a great idea! I am just starting with my internet business and watching how you guys operate is great
Keep up the good work