Why did I do this? Why did I hand over my hard earned money to enrol on a coaching program? What was there to learn that I have not already been doing? Well there is a simple reason. I had the opportunity to be mentored by Alex Jeffreys.
The name Alex Jeffreys is a well known one on the Internet, just Google his name and see how many matches are returned, it’s impressive. So how come Alex has got his name so well known?
You see Alex is a marketing superstar (I suspect that he might be embarrassed by that) and coach. He will certainly tell you that he is no Guru. In fact he upset quite a few gurus with his report The Gurus Nightmare last year get a copy by clicking HERE.
When Alex opened his coaching program Marketing with Alex 4 (MWA4) at the end of 2010 I signed up immediately you see I wanted to grow and add value to my business and in so doing provide even greater value to my subscribers and customers.
The first module is called forward to basics and is well over 2 hours long; Alex presents the outline of how he runs his daily business and the routine that he has developed to maintain his focus. The presentation is followed up with a recording of a live webinar where fellow student get the opportunity to further question him about the points he has made in the presentation.
The importance of having a mentor is that they can explain how to avoid all the pitfalls in the road ahead as they have treaded this path before. Even mentors have mentors and these mentors have their own mentors.
So here’s a bit of mentoring directly from Alex it an excellent presentation call ‘The Easy Cash Webinar’ this is massive on content showing you how to build your online business and the best part? This is FREE just click the banner.
Enjoy Rob……
Hey Rob,
Alex Jeffreys is a marketing superstar for sure! I also wanted to add value to my business and actually implement a system too so I joined the program.
Having a mentor is great, and having one that really cares about your success is even greater!
Looking forward to your success my friend!
Great share, Rob, thanks. Good luck on the course, I know you will put a lot into it and get a lot out of it because of that effort.
Enjoy the journey.
Hey Rob,
Great update and I’m right there with you my friend. I joined Alex’s program because I wanted to hear it from the actual man himself just how in the world he built his business to be so successful. I am learning so much from this community and enjoying meeting all the other people involved as well.
Will look forward to receiving your updates as we continue on this journey together.
Best of luck my friend,
Hey Yoichi, I have been fortunate to work also with John Thornhill in the past, and you do learn different things from each coach its a question of finding the right blend that works for you.
Hi Mant thanks for dropping by, I’m just blown away by the sheer volume of materials that Alex delivers on a weekly basis jsut wish there was more than 24 hours in a day.
Hi Adrienne, thanks for dropping by, I agree I have picked up so much knowledge in the past few weeks. The reward are there for those that put the effort in. Looking for ward to the product creation phase as me and Steve King have been working on a product launch to go live in a week or so (pending Clickbank approval). More soon
Hi Rob
To move forward we all have to keep learning, john Thornhill and Jim Cockrum got me started with some great lessons plus I have learnt so much from blog hopping too!
Good luck with Alexs course I hope it takes you to the next level!
hi there
here on alexs course too
I was doing some jv giveaway jobby and saw three others there too!!
anyway all good just need to see some income
Hi Nick,
I have learned an amazing amount just blog hoping it just adds to the list of tweaks and changes I need to do to improve my service.
Hi John,
it does take time to generate the income on a consistant basis, I do a mix of promotions and my own material and give lots of stuff away for free as you can see from here. Look for something special soon!
Good luck
Hey Rob,
Alex has a great name online, I am sure you will benefit greatly from his coaching, I know many students of Alex from blogs I visit and they have all found such great success, I am sure you will be the next success story.
I too have just started my online journey and already seeing some really great results and it sure was a relief to finally make my first sale too!