Just a few ideas on making a bit extra to help in the credit crunch. One for the ladies (sorry boys you can join in later). Consider selling costume jewellery at work or to your friends. Most companies have low minimum orders (often as low as … [Continue reading]
This Post is about eBay
Remember when selling your own stuff there is a limit, remember you are unlikely to make a profit on most of your personal items. All you are doing is recouping an amount of money that otherwise would be dormant. The good news is that you now … [Continue reading]
This Post is about eBay
So how do I start making money? Most of the information products on eBay start with the following Sell the stuff you don’t want! How many items have you around the house that you do not want that others might like? I bet there are lots. … [Continue reading]
First Posts
This is my first Post: It is about eBay. As an eBay powerseller I am often asked by friends and work mates for advice on selling items on eBay, how to list, what price to start an auction at? Should I sell with a buy it now? Or even more simply. … [Continue reading]