Did you meet Napoleon? I hope you did, Napoleon Hill was one of the most inspirational and seminal writers of the 20th century his book “Think and Grow Rich” is one of the most widely read books on personal development ever written. If you have not already downloaded your free copy you can get it by clicking HERE.
Hill in his 20 year study identified the common attributes to success, achivement and riches as a set of 13 steps, starting with Desire the starting point of all achievement.
I was watching John Thornhill’s video on Warrior Forum on Monday evening where he warned us to beware of the negative influences on the forum. The know alls who never see the good in anything, you get them in the pub “It will never work because…….” The amazing thing is that so many people listen to, or even value the opinion of these people. Now there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism because that is how we learn and improve.
However I was reminded of this negativity last Saturday afternoon.
Are we sitting comfortably?
Let us begin; I had set aside Friday evening to work on my affiliate’s page. I started this a few weeks ago so when I returned to it Friday I was shocked to find that it was less than half completed, it was missing e-mails, a product review a blog post and some signatures. No good moaning just got to get on with it so I worked late into the evening.
I continued during Saturday morning and into the afternoon, late in the afternoon I got a phone call.
“What are you doing?”
“Working on my affiliate resources for my product.”
“What, are you still working on that rubbish…? You will never make anything.”
It is so easy to let the seeds of doubt enter your mind and to become disheartened, this criticism becomes more than criticism it becomes a body blow as it works on a subconscious level . When I was wanting to start off on eBay, I was told it was impossible for the individual to make any real money at this and that I was wasting my time and my money. I listened to this advice longer than I should have done, this wisdom came from someone who had been using eBay for some years so to me he was a guru (a small one, but then I thought that anyone who knew more than me was a guru).
I just assumed that I was being given good advice, my friend knew loads about eBay and I knew nearly nothing. This “advice” stopped me trading on eBay for over 2 years. This sage wisdom was repeated every time I suggested “we” find a way of making money on eBay. We because I did not have the experience.
Eventually I thought what the hell and I just went for it, at first I met with limited success, but by perseverance (one of the other steps to success and riches) my sales started to take off and 8 months later I attained Powerseller status. I still get weekly enquiries as to how my eBay business is doing, and how much time I waste doing it (7 hours a week max). The moral of the story, read Napoleon’s book and avoid the know all’s the self appointed experts and the Jeremiahs.
See you soon
p.s. still working on my product, it’s the value of a definite purpose!
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Here’s To Your Success
Great post, Robert. We should all be brave enought o go for the things we want, regardless of the attitude of others towards it.
Enjoy the journey.
Hi Robert,
I have heard of Napolean Hill before apparently he put all his business skills down on print way way before the internet and yet these marketing principles still stand tall today!
Thanks for your post really interesting….Ed.
Hi Rob,
In my experience, persistence and perseverance are two important factors to achieve success. In internet marketing, some people tend to quit because they aren’t making revenues but if you continue to learn new things and continue your best practices, there’s really a good chance to be a successful internet marketer.