Dealing with bad eBay feedback and complaints Part 5.
Some further ideas on how to deal with the Awkward/Abusive buyer.
This next one may sound a little strange. In fact most traders will tell you not to do this! On dispatch of a product I always leave positive feedback. I am unusual in this respect in that most eBayers will tell you to wait until you get feedback.
Several thoughts on this: I cannot leave negative feedback anyway. If a buyer has paid me promptly then I regard them as a good buyer, they have trusted me in that they have paid me for my products they have decided that I am a honest trader and have put their trust in me to deliver the service that I say I will.
On the other hand if it has taken a buyer a long time to pay, I simply do not leave feedback until they have left it for me first. I think that this strategy avoids any tendency for the “awkward” customer to leave feedback.
After dispatch I always send an e-mail confirming dispatch, it is very easy to setup an e-mail template. In the e-mail I thank them for their purchase, tell them the item was posted today (I always give the feedback on a daily basis; It cuts down the work load and shows you are running your business on a professional footing). I thank them again I also include the address of my eBay shop and an invitation to browse the other item I have for sale. Takes seconds, its worth priceless! Remember you are also graded in your detailed seller ratings on your communication.
More next time
Good post. I know the subject of Ebay’s recent changes to the feedback policy are causing a lot of debate. But I think you’re right in that you should always strive to keep it professional, even if you get the occasional awkward customer, which is inevitable if you start selling in high volume. Also, it’s my opinion that feedback should always be left from the buyer first, as they are the ones initiating the completion of the deal. That way, the seller can get feedback based on their performance of the transaction and also have a chance to have a deal completed without jeopardizing a payment dispute after leaving feedback. Regardless of who leaves the first feedback, communication is always the most important part, aside from have a quality product. Just my two cents worth. Take care.