During the credit crunch one market is seemingly unscathed. That of the baby clothes market. This is a high volume HOT market. It’s a market that I have little experience in. Ok, I know where they come from (I think) but after that what I know about babies I could write on a postage stamp.
On thing I do know is that they grow, fast. So there is a hot market for quality baby ware at a budget price. Brand names always draw a premium price, but in most cases you are recouping money that can be spent on lots of other items such as bigger baby clothes. I have some friends who constantly resell baby clothes that are too small and use the money to purchase replacement items.
What about selling new non branded clothing. Firstly obtain a reliable source of supply. My preference would be a local wholesaler, a search using yell.com will give you a wide range of choice within reasonable travel distances. Using a local supplier has the advantage of being able to inspect the merchandise at close quarters. You can also build up a personal relationship with the trader. Traders will let you know their hottest selling lines, or what new merchandise they will soon have for sale. You should be able to buy very small numbers of specific sizes. Most wholesalers these days have very small minimum spend levels (typically £100).
If the wholesaler has a website you can use the website to select possible purchases, and then use the eBay advanced search to find similar items. The advanced search tool will allow you to see all the items sold in the past 30 days, the final price, postage price etc. By using this tool you can make more informed choices on possible purchases.
More next time