Starting any business is a big step particularly if it is your first. How often have you spoken to or heard of people who have gone ahead into business without any real experience or a definite plan? They just think of an idea and do it, not many of these ventures succeed.
No matter how much we research an idea, spend months planning and preparing there really is no substitute for experience. The information, insight and advice you can get from someone who has been there and done that is invaluable. I guess what I am saying here is that if you are serious about making money whether online or offline you need a mentor to show you the way. Someone who will teach you the skills you need to learn, tell you how to avoid the pitfalls.
Last year I decided to look for a mentor, you see I already had a highly successful eBay business selling physical products which runs on complete autopilot. A chance remark from a friend who I helped with his now very successful eBay business set me thinking.
“Why don’t you write a book and show people how they can setup their own business?” This sparked a thought, so I set to writing it but after a few weeks it had stalled, I did not have a clue how to write it or lay it out. That is when I got an e-mail from John Thornhill about the launch of his Masterclass program. I had known of John for several years and had bought a few of his eBay products. John has an enviable reputation amongst marketers for his honesty can commitment to his customers. These sorts of things go a very long way in inspiring confidence.
I read Johns program outline, it was exactly what I was looking for to help me write and sell my book. I signed up for the 36 week course (which is now at week 42! with more to come). As ever John over delivered both in content and duration. Read my review of the 2009 program HERE.
Johns 20101 program has just launched and already a third of the places have been taken. If you want this year to be the year you make the change and the break through then to find out more click the link and see the unique bonus that I am offering to any of my subscribers that sign up for the Masterclass through my link.
My dad used to say you cannot buy experience, he was wrong you can you just need to choose the righ mentor.
Hi Rob,
Good luck with the promo, think you`ve picked the best in quality here!
Hi Rob
I’m being addmitted to hospital again tomorrow, our blogs’ 1st birthday. I should (hopefully) only be gone for 2 weeks.
I just wanted to stop by today and wish your blog a very happy 1st birthday for tomorrow, and to wish you all the very best for the year ahead.
May you sail the sea of ambition and land on the shores of success.
Respect and Regards,
Hi Barry thank a lot hope you are well, let us all know when you are back from hospital.
Take care