Keep your junk mail! What a strange idea, we are plagued day by day by the shear volume of rubbish that drops through our letterbox. If you have signed up in the past to receive information on business opportunities you will have these delivered on a weekly basis.
Dear Reader, let me tell you about my own junk mail story…… Immediately I have used one of the ploys of the copywriter by telling you a personal story about myself.
Get a loan for this (if you are lucky); get a loan for that (if you are even luckier). Your chance to win! An exotic holiday, a speed boat, an intercontinental ballistic missile or part ownership in the winner of the 2013 Grand National Winner. But, only if you act within the next 7 days! We cannot hold this price for much longer… Already I created a sense of urgency by giving a time limit on the competition, product or service offered. How often do you come across this offer? It is another one from the copywriter’s armoury.
So what is the point I am trying to make? Well one of the UK’s top copywriters Michael Silk can command a fee of £6,000 just for a sales letter, why? Because he is one of the best in the game. All of the junk mail you receive will have been mostly written by professional copywriters.
So what about collecting all of these sales letters and adapting the techniques for our own sales copy. So get yourself a folder and save these gems of the copywriter’s art, you will never know when you may need them.
Actually that’s really sensible, Rob. I never thought of it like that. I usually don’t even open them so have no idea how well they are written, how persuasive they can be or whether they may inspire my own sales pitch.
Enjoy the journey.