Once more we start a New Year we look forward to the plans ahead and with it the inevitable review of the previous year and plans. When you look back it is often sobering to see what you have achieved or have failed to achieve, so here goes.
There has been a BIG spectre haunting me and unlike Scrooge this one did not arrive just before christmas it has been in residence for a long time. It is my long trumpeted, long awaited but not delivered Kindle training course. I never delivered this, I have been unhappy with a lot of the content, I have tinkered with it, messed with it and also left it alone (for too long).
But, I have finally realised what I was unhappy about and with a renewed vigour have created a Kindle course that I am not just happy with but also proud of, so look for that in early 2014.
I have not as yet updated my eBay course Plugin Auction Profits or my 12 Roads to Success course as I was wanting to do in 2013. But, I have the new versions in outline form and intend to move these to there own membership sites with the addition of some new materials. There will also be some additional content available as an optional additions to the product.
I have also been experimenting with Optimise Press 2 as the membership platform for my Kindle course. I find OP 2 both easy to use and infuriating in equal measure, on bad days it is seems more like Optimise Depress.
I am unsure as to whether I will continue to use this after I have used up my 3 licence quota, so stay tuned.
A great positive in 2013 was joining the team at Marketing Mini Classes, I knew everyone personally and I am delighted to be working with Steve, Mandy and Barry. Look for some more classes from me in 2014.
So to 2014, here’s the broad plan.
To release 3 products this year
To update and upgrade my Plugin Auction Profits and 12 Roads to Success to membership status.
To add to my Kindle book portfolio by at least one book per month
To buy myself a Mac computer and publish content to Apple iBooks
To extend my existing POD ventures
To build a more extensive and responsive marketing list
And above all to provide excellent value to all my subscribers and customers
Phew just looking at that list is scary! But these business goal should go someway to helping me achieve my personal goals.
What are your plans? Leave a comment below and share your plans.
So it only remains for me to wish you the compliments of the season and wish you success in all your ventures in 2014.
Oh and remember its good to share so please share this!
Been a long time hope you good? This post is SO inspiring…because it sets a stage for success for anyone who wants to follow the passion you have being a success yourself…very cool post Rob…John.
Hey Rob…
Been a long time hope you good? This post is SO inspiring…because it sets a stage for success for anyone who wants to follow the passion you have being a success yourself…very cool post Rob…John.
Hi Ed,
thanks for dropping by, I will read your podcast post with interest as it is part of something I have planned when my current project is completed.