Well here it is at last! How much have we missed the massive ego’s, the bitching and backstabbing, the fights as each of the candidates tries to win funding from Lord Sugar as their business partner. It’s been away for far too long. So the rollercoaster started tonight.
In the first episode the 16 “brightest” (god help us) business brains in Britain tackled the first task to sell a container load of assorted goods including water, bubble wrap, toilet rolls, coats, mugs, lucky cats etc….
The two team leaders Jaz and Jason sounding like a early eighties failed boy band, took charge. Jazz like a demented cheer leader, full of fake enthusiasm, and high octane motivational sound bites took charge, if that is what you would call it. The girls lost and Jaz was fired.
So in the end were we disappointed? Not a bit of it! There is plenty of mileage in this new series to eliminate the truly unsuitable and the complete inadequate. No front runners as yet, but plenty of cannon fodder!
Want more? You bet!!!!
I wish we could see the British version here. I’ve heard it is much more interesting than our American version — plus we have to put up with Donald Trump!
Hi George
thanks for dropping by, here you load and clear about Trump, Lord Sugar is not everyones cup of tea (no pun intended) by I like him and the way he deals with the idiots.