Every so often a product comes along that makes it just so easy for you to succeed, one that is given to you on a plate, a system that just plain works. Extra 1K Income from Davis Lex is just such a system. Extra 1K … [Continue reading]
Every so often a product comes along that makes it just so easy for you to succeed, one that is given to you on a plate, a system that just plain works. Extra 1K Income from Davis Lex is just such a system. Extra 1K … [Continue reading]
Well what is it like? I don't mean how dapper you may look on a night out or for a big occasion. But what is your online image like? I am currently finishing off a suite of products with varying graphic needs. I have created some of my own (the … [Continue reading]
Once more we start a New Year we look forward to the plans ahead and with it the inevitable review of the previous year and plans. When you look back it is often sobering to see what you have achieved or have failed to achieve, so here … [Continue reading]
As you may know my background is in selling on eBay so I am always looking for those little eBay opportunities that are easy to run and bring in cash on a regular basis. Today I have a great little opportunity that I want to tell you about. It’s … [Continue reading]
Over the years I have had a few spats with eBay about one thing or another, despite having other sources of income (always remember not to put all your eggs in one basket) I still sell on eBay. I sell largely on autopilot on what I call a continual … [Continue reading]
How many niches do you work in? Most people work in just one or two and others seem to work in multiple niches. Those niches may be in Internet Marketing, eBay, Amazon or even offline. Here is a little niche that I have just started to work in. I … [Continue reading]
What do we understand by free? Well we can look up any number of dictionary definitions but the common understanding is that it is something that we can obtain for nothing. The Internet is full of free stuff even the biggest companies are at it and … [Continue reading]
Would you buy a “Tidy Sidey.” Or a box on wheels? The candidates receive a surprise phone call at the end of their day off; they are called to the home of the Design Council, where Lord Sugar informs them that their task is to come up with a unique … [Continue reading]
Tonight’s apprentice task was one very close to my heart. The candidates must invent a new flavoured beer, but is there trouble brewing…..You bet, another shambolic performance from both teams in trying to find a flavour for there own beer. Chocolate … [Continue reading]
Well here it is at last! How much have we missed the massive ego’s, the bitching and backstabbing, the fights as each of the candidates tries to win funding from Lord Sugar as their business partner. It’s been away for far too long. So the … [Continue reading]